Monday, March 28, 2011

Dirk Vs. Dragon's Lair

Howdy! It's been a tremendously busy couple of days, so forgive my late post this evening. I still have the inks left to do, but I thought I would go ahead and put up a piece showing my process on this sketch.

I first do a digital sketch. I was having a tough time nailing down Dirk's pose, so I wound up doing a very small real sketch, which I then scanned in and resized to fit. Then I lighten up the rough sketch, print it out, and pencil the whole thing out with a blue lead .05 Mechanical pencil...because that's how I roll. I then scan the finished blue line image in, resize it to 9x12, and print it out. The image ends up getting cut off, but I know what's supposed to be there, so I just fill in the gaps as I lightbox it onto 9x12 bristol. I then add in the little details like blood squirts from the sliced tentacles, and a couple things on the arcade machine, and boom...done! Now it's ready to be inked. I'll post that in a bit.

As for today's theme, as Dustin said earlier, Don Bluth is a HUGE inspiration! Dirk the Daring's image is one that was singed into my memory at a very early age. I don't have a lot of memories of actually playing the game, but I definitely knew it existed, and do remember watching the game be played for many hours spread out over about five years.

I hope someday somebody gets off their hump and actually does something more with the property...cartoon, movie, another game maybe? At least a DLC for one of the consoles, I mean C'MON! They just did it for Space Ace, dammit!

Anyway, hope ya'll enjoyed this peek into my process. See you again in, like, an hour or so.

Updated: So much for an hour. Ah well. Here's the inked version. It's for sale for $55.00 (US shipping included). For anyone attending WonderCon this weekend, I will also be there with these pieces. I will be attempting to sell them there as well.

See ya'll Friday!

Dragon's Lair homage to Don Bluth

This week Junior Bruce and I are paying homage to Mr. Don Bluth. An incredible talent responsible for a ton of great creations. Read up on him here:

We're starting things off with Dragon's Lair. The line art for this one went fast and furious, so I spent more time coloring the image.

The original black and white sketch is for sale. It's drawn on high quality 9x12 bristol board. Just email me: , and I will send you the paypal information. The price is $55 (includes shipping within US. Outside of US please inquire).

-Dustin Evans

Friday, March 25, 2011

A Three Little Pig Pinata Party

It's Friday, which means it's time for another update to the ole sketch blog! Today's theme is the 3 Little Pigs. Dustin and I thought it would be cool to run with a bit of a "big bad wolf" theme for the week, just because.

For my piece today, I thought it would be funny to see the wolf strewn up and beaten like a pinata by the pigs.

B&W on 9x12 Bristol. If you want it you can buy it for $55.00. That includes US shipping. Would make a great addition to the wall of any child...or pig lover.

See ya'll Monday!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

3 Super-Pigs vs. The Wolf

Continuing with the "wolf" theme, we went with The Three Little Pigs for Friday's sketch. My dog has a stuffed super hero pig toy, so I came up with this idea of pitting super pigs against a hulked out wolf. 30 minutes actual drawing time and about 5 minutes of scanning and scribbling in photoshop for some color/texture.

It's been a blast this week working on the blog with Junior Bruce, and I can't wait to for next week's sketches. Remember, every Monday and Friday, check back for new stuff!

The original black and white sketch is for sale. It's drawn on high quality 9x12 bristol board. Just email me: , and I will send you the paypal information. The price is $55 (includes shipping within US. Outside of US please inquire).

Have a good weekend everyone!

-Dustin Evans

Monday, March 21, 2011

Little Red Riding Hood: Red Rides the Wolf

Hey there! As Dustin said before me, this is a fun collabo sketch blog we're doing, and we'll be updating with new stuff every Monday and Friday. Our first theme was Little Red Riding Hood. Thought it would be fun to have Red riding the Wolf like a bull. So here you go.

Did this on 9x12 Bristol, and it can be purchased for $55.00. This includes US shipping. If international, please inquire. My email is

Had a lot of fun doing this, and it's nice to know that it's only the start! Looking forward to lots of fun stuff to come!


Little Red Riding Hood Vs. The Wolf

So here we are! The debut of "The Blog of Eternal Sketch!". Basically Junior Bruce and I got together and created a sketch blog. We're starting out bi-weekly right now with updates on Monday and Friday. This week the theme became wolves, so I sketched up this sort of Looney Toon drawing of red holding a bomb from her basket...a gift for the wolf, no doubt.

The original black and white sketch is for sale. It's drawn on high quality 9x12 bristol board. Just email me: , and I will send you the paypal information. The price is $55 (includes shipping within US. Outside of US please inquire).

That's all folks. Junior Bruce is going to be posting his sketch soon. Until then, I hope you enjoy this one.

Be sure to check back Friday for an all new art!

-Dustin Evans